Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics All Quiz Answer | Introduction to Scripting Assessment | Week 4

Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics All Quiz Answer  Introduction to Scripting Assessment  Week 4

Scripting Overview Knowledge Check ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) Which organization is credited with creating the first scripting language ?

  • IBM Corporation

Q2) Which concept of a scripting language helps with repetitive tasks ?

  • Loops

Q3) Which three (3) of the following are scripting language ? (Select 3)

  • PowerShell
  • JavaScript
  • JCL

Q4) True or False. JavaScript greatly improved the functionality of webpages.

  • True

Q5) Which Scripting language uses 1s and 0s in a two symbol system ?

  • Binary

Python Scripting Knowledge Check ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) Python can be best described as what ?

  • A high-level scripting language.

Q2) True or False. Extensive free resources are available on the web to make it relatively easy to learn Python.

  • True

Q3) Indentations are used in Python code for which reason ?

  • To define a block of code and are required.

Q4) What file type is commonly used to store Python code ?

  • .py


In the Python statement 


What is the data type of the variable pi ?

  • int

Q6) True or False. In the Python statements below 



Example1 is a character variable type while Example2 is a string variable type.

  • False

Q7)  What will be printed by this Python code block ? 




  • 9

Q8) True or False. A tuple in Python is similar to a list but it is an immutable data type so its values cannot be changed after they are first set.

  • True

Q9) How many times will a while loop execute in Python ?

  • As long as the specified condition is true.

Q10) True or False. Python functions must be purchased or downloaded in libraries from Python development companies. You must have Python SDK in order to develop your own functions.

  • False

Q11) Which two (2) of these Python libraries provides useful scientific computing functions ? (Select 2)

  • Pandas
  • NumPy

Introduction to Scripting Assessment ( Main Quiz )

Q1) What was considered to be the first scripting language ?

  • JCL

Q2) Which concept of a scripting language is a memory address paired with a symbolic name (or identifier) which contains a value ?

  • Variables

Q3) Which three (3) of the following are scripting languages ? (Select 3)

  • Bash
  • Perl
  • Hex

Q4) Which Scripting language is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft ?

  • PowerShell

Q5) Which is an example of how scripts are commonly used today ?

  • Task automation

Q6) What scripting concept is widely used across different languages to process a set of instructions over and over again until a specified condition is met ?

  • Loops

Q7) Bash is a scripting language developed for use with which operating system ?

  • UNIX

Q8) Which Python command would print out "Hello World" ?

  • print("Hello World")

Q9) Why does Python often takes fewer lines of code to accomplish a task than C or Java ?

  • Python can utilize extensive function libraries.

Q10) How many spaces must be used to indent a block of code in Python ?

  • Any number 1 or more as long as the same indentation is used within a code block.

Q11) What will Python do when it encounters the hash character "#" ?

  • Treat everything to the right of the hash on the current line as a comment.

Q12) What will be printed by this Python code block ? 




  • 3

Q13) True or False. In the Python statements below 


Example1 is a string variable type.

  • True

Q14) What will be printed by this Python code block ? 




  • 333

Q15) How many times will the following Python for loop be executed assuming UNMembers is a list of the 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly ? 

     for country in UNMembers:


  • 193

Q16) What is one good reason to write your own function in Python ?

  • There is no library function already written that will do what you need.

Q17) Which two (2) of these Python libraries provides useful graphics and visualization functions ? (Select 2)

  • Seaborn
  • Matplotlib

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