Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics All Quiz Answer | Penetration Test Graded Quiz | Week 1

Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics All Quiz Answer  Penetration Test Graded Quiz  Week 1

Planning and Discovery Knowledge Check ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) What type of scan can be conducted to determine what possible exploits exist given the client’s environment ?

  • Vulnerability Scan

Q2) What forms of discovery can be conducted offline ?

  • Dumpster Diving
  • Social Engineering
  • Shoulder Surfing

Q3) Network Mapping, Port Scanning, and Password Cracking are all forms of what type of discovery ?

  • Active

Q4) True or False: The Planning phase is considered a formality and can be skipped as long as you have the verbal agreement of the client.

  • False

Attack and Reporting Knowledge Check ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) What level of access is ideal for a penetration tester to achieve in order to exploit a system ?

  • Admin/Root

Q2) Which of the following is NOT a common type of vulnerability ?

  • Phishing

Q3) Which portion of the pentest report gives a step by step account of how and why each exploit was conducted ?

  • Technical Review

Penetration testing tools ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) Which tool lets you log network traffic and analyze it ?

  • Wireshark

Q2) Which software serves as toolbox, providing access to hundreds of other tools and resources ?

  • Kali Linux

Q3) Which tool is used primarily for password cracking ?

  • John the Ripper

Penetration Test Graded Quiz ( Main Quiz )

Q1) Which of the following is NOT a phase of a penetration test ?

  • Reviewing

Q2) In which phase of penetration testing do you recommend solutions to address any exploited vulnerabilities ?

  • Reporting

Q3) Which portion of the pentest report gives a high level detail of how the test went and what goals were accomplished ?

  • Executive Summary

Q4) Throughout the attack phase of a pentest, you may need to revisit which other phase as you gain further access into a system ? 

  • Discovery

Q5) What method of gathering information can be used to get information about a website that is not readily available ?

  • Google Dorking

Q6) Which two (2) privacy laws do you need to take into consideration when potentially gaining access to private customer information ?

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Q7) Guessing passwords or running a password cracking software engages in what type of attack to gain access to a system ?

  • Brute Force

Q8) What document would protect the privacy of your client and their customers ?

  • Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Q9) Gaining access to a system can occur in which two phases ?

  • Discovery and Attack

Q10) Conducting a pentest as if you were an external hacker with no resources is known as what type of test ?

  • Black Box


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