Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics All Quiz Answer | Digital Forensics Assessment | Week 3

Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics All Quiz Answer  Digital Forensics Assessment   Week 3

Forensic Course Overview Knowledge Check ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) Digital forensics can be defined as the application of science to the identification, collection, examination, and analysis of what ?

  • Data

Q2) According to NIST, the four (4) steps of the forensic process include which? (Select 4)

  • Collection
  • Examination
  • Analysis
  • Reporting

The Forensics Process Knowledge Check ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) According to NIST, a forensic analysis should include four elements, Places, Items, Events and what ?

  • People

Q2) True or False. Digital forensics report must contain details of every test conducted, the methods and tools used, and the results.

  • True

Q3) Which section of a digital forensics report would contain a list of the steps you have taken to insure the integrity of the evidence ?

  • Forensic Acquisition & Examination Preparation

Q4) Network activity, Application usage, Logs and Keystroke monitoring are all sources of what ?

  • Data

Q5) What are the three (3) main hurdles that must be overcome when examining data? (Select 3)

  • Bypassing controls such as operating system and encryption passwords.
  • Selecting the most effective tools to help with the searching and filtering of data.
  • Dealing with a sea of data. A single hard drive will contains many thousands of files that are not relevant to our investigation.

Forensic Data Knowledge Check ( Practice Quiz )

Q1) True of False. Only data files can be effectively analyzed during a forensic analysis.

  • False

Q2) Most data files are smaller than the number of blocks allocated to their storage by the file system, the unused spaces is known as what ?

  • Slack space

Q3) What does file metadata known as "MAC" data stand for in the context of a forensic analysis ?

  • Modification, Access and Creation times

Q4) Open files are considered which data type ?

  • Volatile

Q5) True or False. When collecting forensic data from a running system, you should always attempt to collect volatile data first.

  • True

Q6) Which operating system has a "Target Disk Mode" that allows a forensic investigator to easily make a copy of the target hard drive ?

  • Mac OS X

Q7) Which three (3) of the following are application components ? (Select 3)

  • Supporting files
  • Log files
  • Configuration settings

Q8) Which of these applications would likely be of the most interest in a forensic analysis ?

  • Email

Q9) What useful foresnsic data can be extracted from the Application layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack ?

  • HTTP addresses

Q10) Which device would you inspect if you were looking for failed attempts to penetrate your company's network ?

  • Firewall

Digital Forensics Assessment ( Main Quiz )

Q1) Digital forensics is commonly applied to which of the following activities ?

  • All of the above

Q2) NIST includes which three (3) as steps in collecting data ? (Select 3)

  • Develop a plan to aquire the data
  • Acquire the data
  • Verify the integrity of the data

Q3) What is the primary purpose of maintaining a chain of custody ?

  • To avoid allegations of mishandling or tampering of evidence.

Q4) True or False. Digital forensics had been used to solve a number of high-profile violent crimes.

  • True

Q5) True or False. Digital forensics report is a summary of your findings. If your case goes to trial, your testimony can, and usually does, involve far more detail than is in the report.

  • False

Q6) Which section of a digital forensics report would include using the best practices of taking lots of screenshots, use built-in logging options of your digital forensics tools, and exporting key data items into a .csv or .txt file ?

  • Findings & Analysis

Q7) Which types of files are appropriate subjects for forensic analysis ?

  • All of the above

Q8) Deleting a file results in what action by most operating systems ?

  • The memory registers used by the file are marked as available for new storage but are otherwise not changed.

Q9) Forensic analysis should always be conducted on a copy of the original data. What type of copying is appropriate for getting data from a live system that cannot be taken offline ?

  • A logical backup

Q10) How does a forensic analysis use hash sets acquired from NIST's Software Reference Library project ?

  • They can quickly eliminate known good operating system and application files from consideration.

Q11) Which three (3) of the following data types are considered non-volatile ? (Select 3)

  • Dump files
  • Logs
  • Swap files

Q12) Configuration files are considered which data type ?

  • Non-volatile

Q13) True or False. When collecting forensic data from a running system, you should always attempt to collect non-volatile data first.

  • False

Q14) Which three (3) of the following are application components ? (Select 3)

  • Application architecture
  • Authentication mechanisms
  • Data files

Q15) Which of these applications would likely be of the least interest in a forensic analysis ?

  • Patch files

Q16) The Internet layer of the TCP/IP stack, also known as the Network layer in the OSI model, contains which two (2) protocols that are very useful to a forensic investigation ? (Select 2)

  • ICMP
  • IPv4 / IPv6

Q17) Which device would you inspect if you were looking event data correlated across a number of different network devices ?

  • Remote access server

Q18) Which of these sources might require a court order in order to obtain the data for forensic analysis ?

  • ISP records


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