Basic Statistics Final Exam Quiz Answer

Basic Statistics Week 8 Final Exam Quiz Answer

Basic Statistics Week 8 Final Exam Quiz Answer

In this article i am gone to share Coursera Course Basic Statistics Week 8 Final Exam Quiz Answer with you..

Basic Statistics Final Exam

Question 1)
What does the test statistic tell you? 
  • It's another word for the p-value.
  • It indicates whether you should use z- or t-distribution to calculate probability.
  • It indicates how far from the actual population value your sample mean lies.    
  • It indicates how many standard errors a point estimate lies from the expected null hypothesis population value.

Question 2)
In a group of students 25% are enrolled in physics, 23% in sociology, 17% in chemistry, 14% in political science, 12% in anthropology, and 9% in math. You are going to select an individual from the group of students. The probability of event A is equivalent to the probability that you select someone who studies social science (sociology, political science and anthropology) or physics. What is the probability of the event A’s complement?
  • 0.51
  • 0.26
  • 0.49
  • 0.74

Question 3)
Assume your null hypothesis is μ = 6. In your sample you find a value that is lower than 6. Is it 'easier' to reject the null hypothesis with a one-tailed or two-tailed test?
  • A one-tailed test.  
  • A two-tailed test.  
  • This depends on the P value.  
  • This depends on the level of significance.  

Question 4)
Someone makes the following assertion: if the sample becomes larger, then the standard deviation becomes smaller. Which of the following statements is correct?
  • This assertion does not apply to any distribution.  
  • This assertion always applies to all distributions. 
  • This assertion always applies to the sampling distribution.  
  • This assertion always applies to the sample distribution and the sampling distribution.  

Question 5)
The largest number of Oscars received by a film in year X was 4. This was different in previous years. Below is a probability distribution for the number of Oscars per Oscar winning film. What is the standard deviation of this distribution?

  • 1.82
  • 1.19
  • 6
  • 1.32

Question 6)
You draw a sample from the population of a town (n = 312) and find that of this sample, 23% are highly educated and 27% are low-educated. What is the 80% confidence interval for the proportion of highly educated people in this town?
  • (0.21, 0.25)  
  • (0.20, 0.26)  
  • (0.25, 0.29)  
  • (0.23, 0.27)  

Question 7)
What type of table is shown below?
  • Data matrix
  • Cross table
  • Scatterplot
  • Frequency table

Question 8)
You know that there is a strong correlation between the consumption of ice cream and body weight. The Pearson's r = 0.78. You also know that the average consumption of ice cream per week is five grams with a standard deviation of 1.5 grams. The average weight is 65 kg with a standard deviation of 15 kg. What is the formula of the regression line?
  • ŷ = 26 + 7.8x  
  • ŷ = 7.8 + 26x
  • ŷ = -502 + 0.078x  
  • ŷ = 0.078 - 502x

Question 9)
See the sample space below. What is the probability of event B occurring, given that event A has occurred?

  • 0.82
  • 0.19
  • 0.09
  • 0.23

Question 10)
What is a probability?
  • A P-value.
  • An uncertainty.
  • The number of times that something occurs in an experiment.
  • The proportion of times that something will occur in the long run.

Question 11)
25% of all students find this BS exam difficult. You select four random students. What is the probability that exactly two of them find this exam difficult?
  • 0.06
  • 0.07
  • 0.21
  • 0.02

Question 12)
Various forms of bias can occur when we select a sample. What is sampling bias?
  • If not everyone in the sample belongs to the population.  
  • If not everyone in the sample actually participates in the research.  
  • If not everyone in the sampling frame has an equal chance to get into the sample.  
  • If not everyone in the population has an equal chance to enter the sampling frame.  

Question 13)
Variable A is normally distributed with μ = 12.30 and σ =  3.11. What is the probability that a randomly selected case will have a score of less than 14?
  • 0.88
  • 0.29
  • 0.71
  • 0.12

Question 14)
A random sample of 61 Basic Statistics students were asked what they thought of statistics on a scale of 0 (very stupid) to 100 (very nice). Interestingly, students seem to find statistics quite nice: the sample mean equals 83. The sample standard deviation equals 7. We know that the standard deviation in the population (all BS students) is 8. Calculate the 90% confidence interval.    
  • (81.53, 84.47)  
  • (81.24, 84.76)  
  • (81.32, 84.68)  
  • (80.99, 85.01)   

Question 15)
You know that for variable A μ = 1400 and σ = 300. You also know that the variable is normally distributed. You decide to change the scores of this variable into z-scores. What is the mean and standard deviation of this new distribution?
  • Mean = 0, standard deviation = 1.
  • Mean = 1400, standard deviation = 300.
  • Mean = 1400, standard deviation = 1.
  • Cannot be calculated on the basis of this information.

Question 16)
Ten students resit the Basic Statistics exam. Their final grades are: 4, 4, 2, 9, 7, 9, 6, 4, 7, 8. What is the interquartile range?
  • 2
  • 8
  • 4
  • 7

Question 17)
Which of the following is not the explained variance?
  • The percentage of variance in Y that is explained by the mean of X.
  • The degree to which the regression equation of X and Y is better at predicting the dependent variable than the average of Y.
  • The percentage of the variance in Y which is explained with the regression equation.
  • The Pearson r squared.

Question 18)
Look at the following cross table of two ordinal variables. Is there a correlation between variable A and B?

  • Cannot be seen from the table.
  • Yes, there is a positive correlation.
  • Yes, there is a negative correlation.
  • No, there is no correlation.

Question 19)
Look at the table below. Calculate the Pearson's r.

  • 0.81
  • 0.61
  • 0.71
  • 0.91

Question 20)
Based on a random sample of n = 2345, the 95% confidence interval of variable X is (7.25, 9.12). You expect that the mean in the population is different from 7 at α = 0.05. What can you conclude?
  • You cannot reject the null hypothesis.
  • This confidence interval is wrong.
  • Nothing, because you have not enough data to determine that.
  • The value in the population is indeed different from 7.

Question 21)
Which of the following statements about the regression line is not correct?
  • The regression line can run horizontally.
  • The constant indicates the place where the regression line crosses the Y-axis.    
  • The regression line is the line of which the sum of the residuals is the smallest.
  • The regression coefficient is the change in the Y value with 1 unit increase in the X value. 

Question 22)
You’re going to draw a random sample of professional football players because you want to know what percentage have completed high school. You want to have a margin of error of up to 0.03 at a confidence level of 90%. How big should your sample be?
  • At least 30
  • Minimum 1068
  • Minimum 456
  • Minimum 748

Question 23)
81 random elementary schools were asked for their average exam scores (sample mean = 535, sample standard deviation = 7). Calculate the 98% confidence interval.
  • (533.41, 536.59)
  • (528.00, 542.00)
  • (533.15, 536.85)
  • Not possible to calculate based on this information.

Question 24)
A type I error means that:
  • The null hypothesis is true, and you reject the null hypothesis.  
  • The null hypothesis is false, and you reject the null hypothesis.  
  • The null hypothesis is false and cannot reject the null hypothesis.
  • The null hypothesis is true, and you do not reject the null hypothesis.  

Question 25)
You know that the heights of four people are: 156 cm, 184 cm, 172 cm and 165 cm. What is the standard deviation?
  • 28
  • 10.23
  • 139.58
  • 11.81

Question 26)
Last year the mean turnover of a group of companies was 434,000 euro. You have good reasons to expect that this year’s turnover will be higher. Your null hypothesis is therefore: μ = 434,000. Your alternative hypothesis is: μ > 434,000. 

You randomly sample 101 companies from the population. The sample mean turns out to be 450,000 euro, with a standard deviation of 100,000 euro. Calculate the test statistic. Which of the following statements is correct?
  • You reject the null hypothesis at both α = 0.05 and α = 0.10.  
  • You reject the null hypothesis at α = 0.05, but not at α = 0.10.  
  • You reject the null hypothesis at α = 0.10, but not at α = 0.05.
  • You do not reject the null hypothesis at α = 0.05, and not at α = 0.10.  

Question 27)
Film critics gave the film Basic Statistics: The Movie an average rating of 8.1 (on a scale of 0-10). The standard deviation is 0.7. You drew a random sample of n = 56 from all film critics and asked them to rate the film Basic Statistics: The Movie with a number. What is the probability that the average rating in the sample is greater than 8.0?
  • 14%
  • 44%
  • 86%
  • 56%

Question 28)
You draw a sample from the population of Dutch voters. You do this by randomly selecting 10 voters from each municipality. What kind of sample is this?
  • Snowball
  • Convenience
  • Cluster random
  • Stratified random

Question 29)
What does the 95% confidence interval tell us? 

In 95% of cases when we sample from a population, the sample mean falls within the interval: 
sample mean ± 1.96 * standard deviation of the sampling distribution.

In 95% of cases when we sample from a population, the sample mean falls within the interval: 
sample mean ± 1.64 * standard deviation of the sampling distribution.  

In 95% of cases when we sample from a population, the population mean falls within the interval: 
sample mean ± 1.96 * standard deviation of the sampling distribution.

In 95% of cases when we sample from a population, the population mean falls within the interval: 
sample mean ± 1.64 * standard deviation of the sampling distribution.

Question 30)
What is a characteristic of the t-distribution?
  • The t distribution has a mean of one.
  • The t-distribution has the same shape as the normal distribution.
  • A t-value that is multiplied with a standard error is equal to the margin of error for a confidence interval of a mean.
  • The t-distribution approaches the normal distribution if it has a large standard deviation.

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