New Features and Tools in MongoDB 4.0 Final Exam Quiz Answer

New Features and Tools in MongoDB 4.0 Final Exam Quiz Answer

New Features and Tools in MongoDB 4.0
Final Exam Quiz Answer

In this article i am gone to share MongoDB University: New Features and Tools in MongoDB 4.0 Final Exam Quiz Answer with you..

Final Exam

Final Exam: Replica Set Transactions

Consider the following set of operations executing in the mongo shell:

use m040
db.a.insert({_id: 1})
s1 = db.getMongo().startSession()
s2 = db.getMongo().startSession()
s1.getDatabase("m040").a.update({_id:1}, {$set: {value: "s1"}})
s1.getDatabase("m040").a.find() // line 10
s2.getDatabase("m040").a.find() // line 11
s2.getDatabase("m040").a.update({_id:1}, {$set: {value: "s2"}})
s2.getDatabase("m040").a.find() // line 18

Which of the following is/are true?
  • WriteConflict occurs on line 12
  • The output of line 18 is { _id: 1, value: "s1" }
  • The output of line 11 is { _id: 1, value: "s2" }
  • The output of line 10 is { _id: 1, value: "s1" }

Final Exam: Sharding

Which of the following are new capabilities added in MongoDB 4.0 for sharded cluster administration ?
  • Getting faster chunk migrations
  • Identifying slow queries in the mongos logs
  • Aborting an operation running on many shards
  • Getting faster acknowledgements for writes with concern majority

Final Exam: Aggregation

Consider this document:

  _id: 1,
  time: "10/01/2018"

If we execute the following aggregation:

    $addFields: {
      time: {
        $dateToParts: {
          date: {
            $dateFromString: {
              dateString: "$time",
              format: "%d/%m/%Y"
      time: {
        $dateFromParts: {
          "month": {$add:[-13, "$time.month"]},
          "year": "$time.year"

Which of the following is/are true?

Pay attention to the format string in the $addFields stage
  • The year on the date is 2016.
  • The day in the date field is 1st of December.
  • The _id is not present in the output document.
  • The aggregation command fails due to an out-of-bound date.
  • The aggregation command fails with an "Unknown format field error".

Final Exam: Atlas

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding features recently added to Atlas?
  • Only AWS supports sharded clusters.
  • Using the Atlas BI connector frees you from maintaining the process locally.
  • You must use the live migrator tool to migrate out of the free tier.
  • Atlas allows to keep data in given regions to comply with data governance, like GDPR.
  • In Azure, Atlas supports backups as local snapshots in the region in which the cluster is located.

Final Exam: Upgrade & Downgrade

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding upgrades to MongoDB 4.0 or downgrades from 4.0?
  • You can downgrade a cluster without downtime
  • You can upgrade a cluster without downtime
  • You can upgrade directly from MongoDB 3.4 to MongoDB 4.0
  • The flag previousVersionCompatibility controls the ability to use the new 4.0 features

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