Object Oriented Design Week 2 Quiz Answer Coursera
In this article, i am gone to Share Object Oriented Design Coursera Course
Week 2 , Module 2 Quiz Answer with you. i hope you like me work.
About this Course
This course takes Java beginners to the next level by covering object-oriented analysis and design. You will discover how to create modular, flexible, and reusable software, by applying object-oriented design principles and guidelines. And, you will be able to communicate these designs in a visual notation known as Unified Modelling Language (UML). You will be challenged in the Capstone Project to apply your knowledge of object-oriented design by evolving and documenting the Java codebase for an Android application with corresponding UML documentation.
Module 2 Quiz
Question 1)
Some of the earliest computing languages supported:
- local variables
- abstract data types
- objects and classes
- main program and subroutines
Question 2)
What are some advantages of object-oriented programming in a language like Java? Choose the three correct answers.
- abstract data types
- data management
- computing efficiency
- mimic the real-world structure of the problem
Question 3)
Sam was asked to create a DeliveryDriver class. Sam thought about the problem, and reduced to its most essential aspects...things like takeOrder, DeliveryArea, etc. She ignored things that were not important in the context, like the driver's height or eye colour. She just applied an important object-oriented design principle. Which of these concepts best describes what she just did?
- decomposition
- abstraction
- encapsulation
- generalization
Question 4)
Sam identified the important attributes and behaviours of a delivery driver and put them all into a DeliveryDriver class, like "takeOrder", "deliverOrder", and "DeliveryArea." She exposed some of these to other classes. She just demonstrated an important part of object-oriented design. Which of these concepts best describes what you did?
- abstraction
- encapsulation
- decomposition
- generalization
Question 5)
Sam decided that the DeliveryDriver class was getting too complex, so she split it up, moving its behaviour into several related classes, like DeliveryCar and DeliveryOrder. She just demonstrated which important object-oriented design principle?
- generalization
- encapsulation
- decomposition
- abstraction
Question 6)
Sam realized that her DeliveryDriver class had some behaviour and attributes that could be shared by other classes, like Bus Driver and TaxiDriver, so she made a class called Driver that these classes inherited behaviour from. Which object-oriented design principle did she use?
- generalization
- encapsulation
- decomposition
- abstraction
Question 7)
Which keywords allow your classes to achieve polymorphism in Java? Choose the two correct answers.
- implements
- extends
- inherits
- interfaces
Question 8)
Which is the proper way to show inheritance in a UML class diagram? Choose one of the four options below:
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question 9)
Which is the proper way to show an abstract method in a UML class diagram?
- anOperation()
- #anOperation()
- «anOperation()»
- abstract anOperation()
Question 10)
Which UML class diagram is a good example of encapsulation? Choose one of the four options below:
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
Question 11)
Add the necessary keyword to complete this instance variable declaration in a class if you are using the encapsulation design principle to hide this variable from all other classes: ______ String message;
Question 12)
There are three different relationships that objects can have. Which of these best describes the relationship between a Chair and its Legs?
- association
- aggregation
- composition
- formation
good job and thanks for sharing such a good article.
ReplyDeletenice work bro