Introduction to HTML5 coursera
week 2 Quiz Answers
Q1) Semantics is
- the practice of giving content on the page meaning and structure by using proper element
- the set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structured document or fragment in that language
- circular
Q2) Semantic code describes the ___ of content on a page, regardless of the style or appearance of that content.
- number
- language
- value
Q3) Using tags that have semantic meaning
- increases accessibility and improve search engine optimization
- increases search engine optimization
- breaks the separation between content and layout
Q4) Every well-formed HTML document should include:
- doctype, header, body
- header, nav, footer
- doctype, head, body
- alt text
Q5) What is wrong with the following code?
- The alt text attribute is missing from the tag
- This link doesn’t provide any way to click on the link.
- The anchor link is self-closing. Remove the </a> and the code will work.
- This code is semantically and syntactically correct.
Q6) Block-level elements begin on a new line
- True
- False
Q7) Inline-level elements begin on a new line
- True
- False
Q8) A <div> block is an inline-level element
- True
- False
Q9) A <span> block is an inline-level element
- True
- False
Q10) Which tag represents a line break (new line)?
- <break>
- <br>
- <line>
- <lb>
Q11) Which of the following is the correct way to comment on HTML5?
- <?– HTML –>
- <#– HTML –>
- <!– HTML –>
- <$– HTML –>
Q12) Which set of element tags is used to create the highest level heading?
- <header>..</header>
- <h9>..</h9>
- <h6>…</h6>
- <h1>…</h1>
Q13) All of the content you wish to appear on the screen should be in which tag?
- <main>
- <content>
- <body>
- <html>
Q14) Which tag is used to create a link?
- <link>
- <anchor>
- <hyper>
- <a>
Q15) Which of the following code is the correct way to link to an email address?
- <a href= “ are you”>Email</a>
- <a href= “”>Email</a>
- <a href= “”>Email</a>
- <a href= “”>Email<a>
Q16) Which HTML element will number items for you?
- <ul>
- <ol>
- <num>
- <dl>
Q17) The start attribute defines the number from which an unordered list should start.
- True
- False
Q18) The reverse attribute allows a list to appear in a reverse order in an unordered list.
- True
- False
Q19) Which attribute can be used to change its number within an ordered list?
- num
- skip
- change
- value
Q20) Which code properly creates the nested list structure shown here?
1. Vegetables
2. Fruit
Notice that the blueberries and bananas are part of the fruit component.
Q21) The <ul> and <ol> elements may contain only <li> elements.
- True
- False
Q22) The tags to create definitions are:
- <dl>, <dt>, <dd>
- <dl>, <term>, <def>
- <def>, <dt>, <dd>
- <def>, <dt>, <li>
Q23) What should target = “_blank” do when included in a link tag?
- Opens the link in a in a tab called “_blank”
- This is not a valid expression.
- Opens the link in a new tab or window
Q24) In order for the <img> element to work, a src attribute and value must be included to specify the source of the image.
- True
- False
25. The alt text of an image should describe the appearance of an image
- True
- False
Q26) When should an image have null (empty) alt text (alt – “”)
- When the image is black and white
- When the image is complex
- When the image is decorative
- When the image already displays descriptive text
Q27) Which of the following is the best way to use a Font Awesome icon to link to Twitter?
- <a href=”” aria-label=”Twitter”> <i class=”fa fa-twitter”></i></a>
- <a> <i class=”fa fa-twitter”></i></a>
- <a href=”” > <i class=”fa fa-twitter” aria-label=”Twitter”></i></a>
- <a href=””> <i class=”fa fa-twitter”></i></a>
Q28) What are the elements to help organize the data and structure of a table?
- <caption>, <head>, <body>, <foot>
- <caption>, <thead>, <tbody>, <foot>
- <caption>, <thead>, <body>, <foot>
- <caption>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>
Q29) What does <thead> stand for?
- The head
- Table head
- Table header
- None of the above
Q30) Which code will properly insert headings along each row?