Financial Markets Lesson 18 Quiz Answer

Financial Markets Lesson 18 Quiz Answer

Financial Markets Lesson 18 Quiz Answer

#Financial market
#Yale University

Week 7

Lesson #18 Quiz

Q1) What does the term “democratization of finance” mean?

  • It should benefit the youngest people; not the old.
  • It should benefit the oldest people; not the young.
  • It should benefit rich people; not the poor.
  • It should benefit real people; everyone, not just the rich.

Q2) What is ‘odious’ debt? 

  • Illegitimate debt raised by government, used for ill purposes against the will of the people.
  • standard debt raised by corporations, to create new products.
  • illegitimate debt raised by corporations
  • standard debt raised by government

Q3) Malthus contended that: 

  • Poverty causes resource depletion rather than the reverse.
  • All of the above.
  • Human population can grow faster than humans can produce commensurate amounts of food.
  • By providing additional workers human population growth enhanced economic development.

Q4) Malthus contented that population, when unchecked, increased in a ______ ratio; and subsistence for man in an _______ ratio. 

  • linear; geometrical
  • geometrical; arithmetical
  • arithmetical; linear
  • arithmetical; geometrical

Q5) What are some reasons that inequality exists? (check all that apply)

  • failure to democratize finance
  • Unmanaged risks
  • Political power

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