Cloud Computing Basics Module 4 Quiz Answer

Cloud Computing Basics Module 4 Quiz Answer

Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) 

Offered By Learn Quest | Coursera

Week 2

Cloud Computing Basics Module 4 Quiz Answer

Module 4 Quiz

Q1) A hosting strategy where software products are installed on the physical hardware,
  • Docker
  • Bare-metal
  • On-premises
  • Virtualization

Q2) Which of the following are true of Bare-metal computing? Select all that apply.
  • No virtualization is used.
  • Is based on a structure called a pod.
  • Admins can make virtual templates of VM images.
  • There are multiple fixed costs with this approach.
  • Allows the hardware to be used more efficiently and by more users.

Q3) True or False? Running Virtual Machines (VMs) makes better use of the existing hardware.
  • True
  • False

Q4) With a VM, multiple copies of the VM images can be made, each with their own _______________ and host ID.
  • Docker
  • IP address
  • virtual template
  • virtual network adapter

Q5) A PaaS product that provides virtualized operating system environments called containers that are 100% independent from each other.
  • VMs
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

Q6) A product that automates application deployment, scaling, and maintenance. It is a PaaS container orchestration product that can also be offered as an IaaS.
  • VMs
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes

Q7) Which of the following are features of On-premises Computing? Select all that apply.
  • All hardware is controlled by the firm.
  • Can be either private, public, or hybrid.
  • Computing services are delivered on the firm’s network.
  • Is popular in gaming and IoT because responsiveness is critical.

Q8) True or False? With Cloud computing, the delivery of the software services can be by a public, private, or virtual private network.
  • True
  • False

Q9) Computing services are brought physically closer to the customer. It has evolved into running software and applications, while keeping latency low.
  • Kubernetes
  • Edge Computing
  • Cloud Computing

Q10) The cloud uses one or more __________ to execute the software product.
  • hypervisors
  • virtual machines
  • private networks



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