Big Data Integration and Processing
Quiz 4 Answer
Quiz 4 - Hands-On with Splunk
Q1) Which of the queries below will return the average population of the counties in Georgia (be careful not to include the population of the state of Georgia itself)?
- source="census.csv" CTYNAME != "Georgia" STNAME="Georgia" | stats sum(CENSUS2010POP)
- source="census.csv" CTYNAME != "Georgia" STNAME="Georgia" | stats mean(CENSUS2010POP)
- source="census.csv" STNAME="Georgia" | stats mean(CENSUS2010POP)
- None of the above
Q2) What is the average population of the counties in the state of Georgia (be careful not to include the population of the state of Georgia itself)?
- 394383.53786
- 45373.454788
- 243767.4564
- 60928.635220
Q3) Of the options below, which query allows you to find the state with the most counties?
- stats count by STNAME | sort -count
- source="census.csv" | stats count by CTYNAME | sort num(count)
- source="census.csv" | stats count by STNAME | sort count desc
- source="census.csv" | stats count by CENSUS2010POP | sort count
Q4) What state contains the most counties?
- Texas
- Georgia
- Alaska
- California
Q5) Of the options below, which query allows you to find the most populated counties in the state of Texas?
- STNAME="Texas" CENSUS2010POP > 100000 | sort -CENSUS2010POP | table CENSUS2010POP,CTYNAME
- STNAME="Texas" CENSUS2010POP > 100000 | sort CENSUS2010POP desc | table CENSUS2010POP,CTYNAME
- Both
- Neither
Q6) What is the most populated county in the state of Texas?
- Harris
- Dallas
- Travis
- Bexar
Big Data Integration and Processing