Operating Systems Fundamentals Peer-graded Assignment Answer

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Operating Systems Fundamentals Peer-graded Assignment Answer

Operating Systems Fundamentals Peer-graded Assignment Answer

Capstone Project: Establishing a SOHO Market Subsidiary for Akamai


Akamai, a global leader in cyber-security and content delivery, aims to attract customers in the Small Office Home Office (SOHO) market. As part of this initiative, you are tasked with starting a small subsidiary dedicated to this market. The subsidiary will focus on cyber security and utilize a file server provided by Akamai.

Task A: Naming the Company

SecureHomeTech Solutions

Task B: Authentication System for the File Server

Usernames and Accounts


Usernames: e.g., jdoe (John Doe), asmith (Alice Smith)


Usernames: e.g., bking (Bob King), cjohnson (Carol Johnson)

Customization of Accounts

  • Expiration Dates: Intern accounts (bking, cjohnson) will have expiration dates set for 6 months.
  • Home Directories: Default home directories will be used with slight modifications to include specific tools and resources relevant to their roles.
  • Profile Customizations: Employee accounts will have customized profiles to include additional permissions and software tools necessary for their tasks. Intern accounts will have more restricted access.

File Structure

Data Storage Needs
The server will store a variety of data, including:
  • Company documents
  • Project files
  • Employee records
  • Software and tools for cybersecurity

Directory Structure

  • /company_docs: Stores all company-related documents.
  • /project_files: Contains files and resources for ongoing projects.
  • /employee_records: Holds confidential employee information.
  • /tools: Contains cybersecurity tools and software.\

Security Groups and Permissions

  • employees: Full access to /company_docs and /project_files.
  • interns: Read-only access to /company_docs, write access to /project_files.
  • admin: Full access to all directories including /employee_records and /tools.

Special Files and Directories

Hidden Files: Configuration files in home directories (.bashrc, .profile) will be hidden.

Special Permissions:
  • Files in /employee_records will have restricted permissions (e.g., chmod 700) to ensure only admins can access them.
  • Critical configuration files may be set as immutable to prevent accidental deletion or modification (chattr +i).

Data Backup Strategy

Backup Frequency
  • Daily Incremental Backups: To capture daily changes with minimal storage impact.
  • Weekly Full Backups: Ensuring a complete backup is available at the end of each week.

  • Backups will be compressed to save storage space. Tools like tar with gzip (tar -czf) will be used.

Backup Schedule
  • Daily Backups: Scheduled for 2 AM to minimize impact on daily operations.
  • Ensuring Completion: Use of cron jobs to automate backups and tools like rsync for efficient data transfer. Monitoring scripts will be implemented to check the success of backup operations and notify administrators in case of failures.

By setting up this file server with these authentication and file structure strategies, SecureHomeTech Solutions will be well-equipped to handle the cybersecurity needs of its clients in the SOHO market

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