Coursera Learn to Program The Fundamentals Answers
week 1
def seconds_difference(time_1, time_2):
""" (number, number) -> number
Return the number of seconds later that a time in seconds
time_2 is than a time in seconds time_1.
>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 3600.0)
>>> seconds_difference(3600.0, 1800.0)
>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 2160.0)
>>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 1800.0)
return time_2 - time_1
def hours_difference(time_1, time_2):
""" (number, number) -> float
Return the number of hours later that a time in seconds
time_2 is than a time in seconds time_1.
>>> hours_difference(1800.0, 3600.0)
>>> hours_difference(3600.0, 1800.0)
>>> hours_difference(1800.0, 2160.0)
>>> hours_difference(1800.0, 1800.0)
return (time_2 - time_1)/3600.0
def to_float_hours(hours, minutes, seconds):
""" (int, int, int) -> float
Return the total number of hours in the specified number
of hours, minutes, and seconds.
Precondition: 0 <= minutes < 60 and 0 <= seconds < 60
>>> to_float_hours(0, 15, 0)
>>> to_float_hours(2, 45, 9)
>>> to_float_hours(1, 0, 36)
return (hours + (minutes/60) + (seconds/3600))
def to_24_hour_clock(hours):
""" (number) -> number
hours is a number of hours since midnight. Return the
hour as seen on a 24-hour clock.
Precondition: hours >= 0
>>> to_24_hour_clock(24)
>>> to_24_hour_clock(48)
>>> to_24_hour_clock(25)
>>> to_24_hour_clock(4)
>>> to_24_hour_clock(28.5)
return hours % 24
### Write your get_hours function definition here:
def get_hours(time):
"""(int) -> int
Return the number of hours that have
elapsed since midnight, as seen on a 24-hour clock
>>> get_hours(3800)
x= time/3600
return int(to_24_hour_clock(x))
### Write your get_minutes function definition here:
def get_minutes(time):
"""(int) -> int
Return the number of minutes that have
elapsed since midnight as seen on a clock.
>>> get_minutes(3800)
z= time -(x*3600)
return int(y)
### Write your get_seconds function definition here:
def get_seconds(time):
"""(int) -> int
Return the number of seconds that have
elapsed since midnight as seen on a clock.
>>> get_seconds(3800)
z= time -(x*3600)
return int(y)
def time_to_utc(utc_offset, time):
""" (number, float) -> float
Return time at UTC+0, where utc_offset is the number of hours away from
>>> time_to_utc(+0, 12.0)
>>> time_to_utc(+1, 12.0)
>>> time_to_utc(-1, 12.0)
>>> time_to_utc(-11, 18.0)
>>> time_to_utc(-1, 0.0)
>>> time_to_utc(-1, 23.0)
time_2 = (time -(utc_offset))
return (to_24_hour_clock(time_2))
def time_from_utc(utc_offset, time):
""" (number, float) -> float
Return UTC time in time zone utc_offset.
>>> time_from_utc(+0, 12.0)
>>> time_from_utc(+1, 12.0)
>>> time_from_utc(-1, 12.0)
>>> time_from_utc(+6, 6.0)
>>> time_from_utc(-7, 6.0)
>>> time_from_utc(-1, 0.0)
>>> time_from_utc(-1, 23.0)
>>> time_from_utc(+1, 23.0)
time_2 = (time +(utc_offset))
return (to_24_hour_clock(time_2))
week 4
def get_length(dna):""" (str) -> int
Return the length of the DNA sequence dna.
>>> get_length('ATCGAT')6>>> get_length('ATCG')4"""return len(dna)
def is_longer(dna1, dna2):""" (str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if DNA sequence dna1 is longer than DNA sequencedna2.
>>> is_longer('ATCG', 'AT')True>>> is_longer('ATCG', 'ATCGGA')False"""return (len(dna1)>len(dna2))
def count_nucleotides(dna, nucleotide):""" (str, str) -> int
Return the number of occurrences of nucleotide in the DNA sequence dna.
>>> count_nucleotides('ATCGGC', 'G')2>>> count_nucleotides('ATCTA', 'G')0"""count = 0for char in dna:if (char == nucleotide):count = count +1return count
def contains_sequence(dna1, dna2):""" (str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if DNA sequence dna2 occurs in the DNA sequencedna1.
>>> contains_sequence('ATCGGC', 'GG')True>>> contains_sequence('ATCGGC', 'GT')False
"""return (dna2 in dna1)
def is_valid_sequence(dna):""" (str) -> bool
The parameter is a potential DNA sequence.Return True if and only if the DNA sequenceis valid (that is, it contains no charactersother than 'A', 'T', 'C' and 'G').
>>> is_valid_sequence("ATCGCGTAT")True>>> is_valid_sequence("ATCGCHGTAT")False
"""count = True
for char in dna:if char not in "ATCG":count = Falsereturn countdef insert_sequence(dna1, dna2, i):""" (str, str, int) -> str
The first two parameters are DNA sequencesand the third parameter is an index.Return the DNA sequence obtained by inserting thesecond DNA sequence into the first DNA sequenceat the given index. (You can assume that the index is valid.)
>>> insert_sequence("ATCA", "CGCG", 3)"ATCCGCGA">>> insert_sequence("ATCA", "CGCG", 0)"CGCGATCA"
dna = ""l=len(dna2)dna = dna1[:i] + dna2 + dna1[i:]return dna
def get_complement(n):""" (str) -> str
The first parameter is a nucleotide('A', 'T', 'C' or 'G'). Return the nucleotide's complement.
>>> get_complement('A')'T'>>> get_complement('T')'A'>>> get_complement('C')'G'>>> get_complement('G')'C'
if (n == 'A'):return 'T'elif (n == 'T'):return 'A'elif (n == 'C'):return 'G'else:return 'C'
def get_complementary_sequence(dna):""" (str) -> str
The parameter is a DNA sequence.Return the DNA sequence that is complementaryto the given DNA sequence.
>>> get_complementary_sequence("ATCGAT")"TAGCTA">>> get_complementary_sequence("CCCGTTTATCGA")"GGGCAAATAGCT"
seq = ""for char in dna:if (char == "A"):seq = seq + "T"elif (char == 'T'):seq = seq + "A"elif (char == "C"):seq = seq + "G"else:seq = seq + "C"
return seq
week 6
"""A board is a list of list of str. For example, the boardANTTXSOBis represented as the list[['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']]
A word list is a list of str. For example, the list of wordsANTBOXSOBTOis represented as the list['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO']"""
def is_valid_word(wordlist, word):""" (list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if word is an element of wordlist.
>>> is_valid_word(['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'], 'TO')True"""found = Falsei = 0while i < len(wordlist):if wordlist[i] == word:found = Truei=i+1return found
def make_str_from_row(board, row_index):""" (list of list of str, int) -> str
Return the characters from the row of the board with index row_indexas a single string.
>>> make_str_from_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 0)'ANTT'"""li = (board[row_index])return "".join(li)
def make_str_from_column(board, column_index):""" (list of list of str, int) -> str
Return the characters from the column of the board with index column_indexas a single string.
>>> make_str_from_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 1)'NS'"""li = []i = 0while i < len(board):li.append(board[i][column_index])i =i+1
return "".join(li)
def board_contains_word_in_row(board, word):""" (list of list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if one or more of the rows of the board containsword.
Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is avalid word.
>>> board_contains_word_in_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'SOB')True"""
for row_index in range(len(board)):if word in make_str_from_row(board, row_index):return True
return False
def board_contains_word_in_column(board, word):""" (list of list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if one or more of the columns of the boardcontains word.
Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is avalid word.
>>> board_contains_word_in_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'NO')False"""
i = len(board[0])for col_index in range(i):if word in make_str_from_column(board, col_index):return True
return False
def board_contains_word(board, word):""" (list of list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if word appears in board.
Precondition: board has at least one row and one column.
>>> board_contains_word([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'ANT')True"""if board_contains_word_in_column(board, word) == True :return Trueelif board_contains_word_in_row(board, word) == True :return Trueelse:return Falsedef word_score(word):""" (str) -> int
Return the point value the word earns.
Word length: < 3: 0 points3-6: 1 point per character for all characters in word7-9: 2 points per character for all characters in word10+: 3 points per character for all characters in word
>>> word_score('DRUDGERY')16"""score = 0count = 0for c in word:count = count + 1if count < 3:score = 0elif count >=3 and count <= 6:score = count * 1elif count >=7 and count <=9:score = count * 2else:score = count * 3return score
def update_score(player_info, word):""" ([str, int] list, str) -> NoneType
player_info is a list with the player's name and score. Update player_infoby adding the point value word earns to the player's score.
>>> update_score(['Jonathan', 4], 'ANT')"""score = word_score(word)player_info[1] = player_info[1] + score
def num_words_on_board(board, words):""" (list of list of str, list of str) -> int
Return how many words appear on board.
>>> num_words_on_board([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'])3"""count = 0for word in words:if board_contains_word(board, word) == True :count = count + 1return count
def read_words(words_file):""" (file open for reading) -> list of str
Return a list of all words (with newlines removed) from open filewords_file.
Precondition: Each line of the file contains a word in uppercase charactersfrom the standard English alphabet."""lines = words_file.readlines()p = []i = 0while (i < len(lines)):p.append(lines[i].rstrip('\n'))i = i+1return p
def read_board(board_file):""" (file open for reading) -> list of list of str
Return a board read from open file board_file. The board file will containone row of the board per line. Newlines are not included in the board."""temp = []string = ""for line in board_file:string = linetemp.append(list(string.rstrip('\n')))return temp
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