Introduction to Cloud Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript All Week Quiz Answers | IBM

Introduction to Cloud Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript All Week Quiz Answers  IBM

Introduction to Cloud Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript All Week Quiz Answers | IBM

Graded Quiz

Question 1)

A developer has complained that all the changes he made to the code were overwritten by somebody. What tool could have avoided this situation ?  

  • A version control system like Git

Question 2)

What package manager(s) does Python use ? (Select all that apply)

  • pip
  • conda

Question 3)

When a user tries to login to a website, he/she gets an authentication failure error. Who do you think can fix this error ?

  • Back-end Developer

Question 4)

If Python is being used in your application development, where are you likely to see it ?

  • Back-end

Question 5)

What would you associate an API with ?

  • Back-end 

Question 6)

What package manager does Node.js use ?

  • npm

Question 7)

Which of the following is NOT a required skill for a front-end developer ?

  • Java

Question 8)

In addition to SQL, which tool can help you access databases ?

  • ORM

Question 9)

A user has complained that the website is readable on desktop but not on mobile. Who can help solve this problem ?

  • Front-end Developer

Question 10)

Who handles authentication and authorization ?

  • Back-end Developer

Graded Quiz

Question 1)
Which of the following statements embeds an image in an HTML document ? 
  • <img src=”image URL” alt=”alternate text”>

Question 2)
When defining a hyperlink (< a >), which attribute is used to specify the destination address ?  
  • href

Question 3)
How are comments written in HTML ?
  • < !-- This is a comment -- >  

Question 4)
Which tag preserves the spaces and line breaks of a given text when displayed ?  
  • <pre>

Question 5)
Which style is given priority, when multiple styles are specified for a single element ? 
  • Inline style

Question 6)
Which tag CANNOT be used as a container for text ?
  • <br>

Question 7)
What is the <br> tag used for ?
  • To add a line break 

Question 8)
Which is the universal selector in CSS ?
  • *

Question 9)
Which tag is used to create an ordered list ? 
  • <ol>

Question 10)
Which selector helps to select all elements of a document, except paragraphs ?
  • :not(p)

Graded Quiz

Question 1)
What type of element is <article> ?  
  • A semantic element

Question 2)
Which of the following tags define a caption for a < fieldset > element ?  
  • <legend>

Question 3)
Which user interface feature makes it easy to copy, reorder, and delete items ?  
  • Drag and Drop 

Question 4)
How do you define the document type in HTML5 ?  
  • <!DOCTYPE html>  

Question 5)
Which element defines a caption for the <figure> element ?  
  • <figcaption>  

Question 6)
Which is the default character encoding in HTML5 ?
  • UTF-8

Question 7)
Which of the following is a new form feature added in HTML5 ?
  • <output> 

Question 8)
Which semantic tag is used to display any content which is indirectly related to the main content of the document ? 
  • <aside>

Question 9)
Which API in HTML5 allows you to identify the location of the user ?
  • Geolocation

Question 10)
Which type of input control would be most apt for selecting gender in a form ?
  • radio

Graded Quiz

Question 1)
In the following declaration, what is the type of the variable ‘pi’ ?

var pi = “3.14”;  
  • string 

Question 2)
How do you define an array called array1 in JavaScript ?  
  • var array1 = [1,2,3]  

Question 3)
What does the following statement do ?
var ndate = new Date() ;  

  • Assigns the current local time to ndate 

Question 4)
True or False: 10car is a valid variable name in JavaScript.  
  • False

Question 5)
How are numbers converted to strings ?  
  • (123).toString()  

Question 6)
What is the value of ‘total’ after the following statement is executed ?  

var total = 10 + 1 +” 3”; 

  • 113

Question 7)
What would the alert be, when the following code is executed ? 

var a = new String(“Hello”); 

var b = “Hello”; 

if (a === b){ 


} else{ 


  • Different

Question 8)
Which of the following is a valid declaration of an object ? 
  • var a = {name:”John”,age:55}

Question 9)
Which of the following is not an event binder in JavaScript ?
  • onsave

Question 10)
Which event is fired when a user clicks on an element in a webpage ?
  • onclick

Graded Quiz

Question 1)
How is GitHub related to Git ?
  • GitHub is an online hosting service for Git repositories

Question 2)
Which of the following tasks must you complete before you can start work in GitHub ?
  • Verify your email address

Question 3)
What are commits ?
  • Saved changes

Question 4)
To sync local changes back to the GitHub repository you run three commands, what is the final command ?
  • git push

Question 5)
Which command can a repository administrator use to allow anonymous downloads from repos ?
  • "git-daemon"

Question 6)
What is a repository ?
  • A data structure that stores documents and source code

Question 7)
True or False: When you create a repository, you can add a license file to tell people how they can use your code.
  • True

Question 8)
What happens if you make a change on a branch you don't own ? 
  • GitHub automatically makes a pull request 

Question 9)
What are the three most commonly used operations when working with remote repositories ? 
  • push, pull, fetch 

Question 10)
When managing forks, which command can you use to fetch and merge the remote branch in a single step ?
  •  "git pull upstream" 

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  1. Bro , what the project can you help me out ?


    1. Bro in Project you need to create a simple html file & host on IBM cloud:

      How to Host a Static Website on IBM Cloud:
